I haven't been writing much again because I am (still) getting distracted by all the games available on iPhone + WoLK (Wrath of Lich King) came out! And today we'll review 1 of the 2 cause of my slack.
Darts is a free game available from the Apple app store, I saw it a couple times while browsing but never wanted to grab it until couple days ago. For a free game I must say it's easy, entertaining, and very well-designed. The interface is neatly designed and the playing gesture is easy to understand while making sense as well. To throw the dart all you have to do is flick your finger on the screen and the length and speed of your flick will determine the accuracy of your throw. I was worried before I downloaded this app that it would be a boring game but by incorporating this style of game play it makes it easy to learn.
There are 3 play modes available for the player the X01 and Cricket VS AI and a Practice mode.In the modes against the AI the objective is to get your score down to EXACTLY 0 (which I shamefully failed to do after 6 games still..I always burst it). Overall the game is solid, it even has facts on professional darts competitions but it failed to include Player VS Player mode which would've been a great drinking game probably. Hope there will b a future patch incorporating this function.
Pwnage Rating: 9/10
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